Payment Method 

We accept the following methods of payment:


- Account Transfer  

·  Bank of name ; BANK MUSCAT

·  Account name : YEOM PYEONGHO

·  Account number : 0462 0168 8525 0032

·  Swift Code : BMUSOMRXXXX


- Credit card or cash on Delivery. Get your delivery When you want!

· Credit card: Visa, MasterCard, Not Accept American Express (including Non-US issued credit cards)

· ATM/Debit/check cards with a MasterCard or Visa logo on the front

We do not accept:
Cheques, Food Stamps, or any other payment method not listed above.

* Your credit/debit card will be charged immediately once your order is delivered.
In case, we find that there is an out-of-stock item or a substitute item from the list of your purchased items during shipping process, the difference in amount will be credited or charged to the payment. It usually takes up to 5 business days to process the refund request from the bank.
* We are committed to protecting your privacy. will never sell or rent any of your personal information under any circumstances. For details, read our Privacy Policy.
